Latest version.
  • This is a chronological listing of the ordinances of Colusa, California, beginning with Supplement No. 17, included in this Code.

     Date Description Section Section
    this Code
    441  9-16-2008 Dedication of lands for park and recreational purposes 2       Added App. A, § 40.01
    442 10- 7-2008 Conflict of interest code 1       Added 2-42—2-45
    443 12-23-2008 Amends contract between city and board of administration of California public employees' retirement system Omitted
    445  2-17-2009 Solid waste and green waste 2       Rpld 14-1—14-3,
    14-8, 14-9,
          Added 14-1—14-9
    446  2-17-2009 Community redevelopment agency 2—4 2-4.1
    447  4-21-2009 Planning commission 1       Rpld 2-11—2-20
          Added 2-11—2-20
    448  7- 7-2009 Filming permits 1       Added 10A-1—10A-16
    449  7-21-2009 Map filing and processing 1       Rpld 17-1—17-28
          Added 17-1—17-75
    2       Rpld 19B-1—19B-11
    450  8- 4-2009 Amendments to building standards code 1 6-7.3
    451  9-15-2009 Noise regulations 1       Rpld 11A-1
          Added 11A-1—11A-8
    452  1-19-2010 Procedures for summary abatement 1       Added 12C-1—12C-22
    3 1-7
    4 12B-14
    453  3-16-2010 Amends contract between city and board of administration of California public employees' retirement system Omitted
    454  4-20-2010 Business licenses 1 10-16
    455  4-20-2010 Use of city parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, public buildings and other public facilities 1 12-12
    456  6- 1-2010 Vehicle parking regulations 1 11-8J
    2 11-8BB
    457  7- 6-2010 Penalties and charges 1, 2 20-8. 20-9
    3 12B-5
    4       Rpld 1-8
    458  8-19-2010 Amends contract between city and board of administration of California public employees' retirement system Omitted
    459 10- 5-2010 Conflict of interest code 1 2-44
    460  1-18-2011 Building standards codes 2       Rpld 6-5.1, 6-5.2
          Added 6-5.05—6-5.2
    3       Rpld 6-6.1
          Added 6-6.1
    4       Rpld 6-7.1—6-7.3
          Added 6-7.1, 6-7.2
    5       Rpld 6-8
          Added 6-8
    6       Rpld 9-1—9-1.3
          Added 9-1, 9-2
    461  3-15-2011 Parks and recreation commission 1 2-29
    462  2-15-2011 Temporary moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries Omitted
    463  3-15-2011 Extends temporary moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries Omitted
    464  3-22-2011 Amends contract between city and board of administration of California public employees' retirement system Omitted
    465  4- 5-2011 Tree commission 1 19-1
    466  5- 3-2011 Adopts redevelopment plan Omitted
    467  6-21-2011 Development impact fees 1 7B-3
    2 7B-5
    468  7-19-2011 Angle parking 1 11-8D
    472 10-18-2011 Solid waste, green waste, and recyclable materials 1—3 14-1—14-3
    4—8 14-5—14-9
    473  3-20-2012 Planning commission, tree commission, historic preservation commission, parks and recreation commission 1       Rpld 2-11—2-20
          Added 2-11—2-18
    2       Rpld 19-1—19-4
    3       Added 2-50—2-57
    4       Rpld App. A, §§ 30.02, 30.03
    5       Added 2-65—2-72
    6       Rpld 2-28—2-32
          Added 2-28—2-35
    474  1-17-2012 Temporary moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries Omitted
    475  3-20-2012 Amends contract between city and board of administration of California public employees' retirement system Omitted
    476  3-20-2012 Parks, playgrounds, etc. 1 12-12
    2 12-13
    477  3-20-2012 Parades and special events 1(3-10—
    3-190)       Added
    478  4-17-2012 Professional services, purchasing commodities, and surplus commodities 1       Rpld 13-9—13-11
          Added 13-9
    2       Rpld 13-12—13-20
          Added 13-12
    3       Rpld 13-30
          Added 13-30
    480  7-17-2012 Psychoactive bath salts and psychoactive herbal incense and other synthetic drugs II       Added 11B-1—11B-6
    481  8- 7-2012 Solid waste, green waste, and recyclable materials 1 14-1
    2 14-2
    3 14-4
    482  9-18-2012 Alcohol sales 1       Added 9B-1—9B-5
    483 10-16-2012 City manager 1 2-5.6
    2       Rpld 2-5.7
    484  3- 5-2013 Landmark and historic preservation 1       Rpld 30.01—30.06
          Added 30.01—30.09
    485  3- 5-2013 Medical marijuana dispensaries 2       Added 32.11
    3       Added 4.100
    486  3- 5-2013 Medical marijuana dispensaries 2       Added 12D-1—12D-4
    487  3- 5-2013 Approval of pre-zoning application 3 Omitted
    488  3- 5-2013 Approval of Tier 1 development agreement 4 Omitted
    489  6-18-2013 Utilities commission 1       Added 2-80—2-87
    490  6-18-2013 Approval of pre-zoning application 3 Omitted
    492 10-15-2013 Smoking tobacco in city parks 1       Added 12-16
    493 11- 5-2013 Fats, oils and grease 1       Rpld 15-9
    2       Added 15A-1, 15A-2,
    15A-75, 15A-76
    494 11- 5-2013 Property owners liability for water and sewer charges 1 15-3
    2 20-9.1
    495 11-19-2013 Building standards codes 2       Rpld 6-5.05—6-5.2
          Added 6-5.05—6-5.2
    3       Rpld 6-6.1
          Added 6-6.1
    4       Rpld 6-7.1, 6-7.2
          Added 6-7.1, 6-7.2
    5       Rpld 6-8
          Added 6-8
    6 9-1, 9-2
    496  4-15-2014 Conflict of interest code 1 2-42
    2—4       Rpld 2-43—2-45
    497  5- 6-2014 Medical marijuana cultivation 2       Added 12E-1—12E-4
    498  6-17-2014 Approval of pre-zoning application 3 Omitted
    499  7-15-2014 Designation of landmarks 3 Omitted
    502  9-16-2014 Approval of rezoning application 2 Omitted
    503 10-21-2014 Approval of pre-zoning Omitted
    504 10-21-2014 Approval of pre-zoning Omitted
    505 10-21-2014 Zoning regulations 1 App. A, § 4.14
    2—4 App. A, §§ 4.29—4.31
    5       Added App. A, § 4.30.1
    6, 7 App. A, §§ 4.36, 4.37
    8, 9 App. A, §§ 4.39, 4.40
    10       Added App. A, § 4.41.1
    11 App. A, § 4.42
    12       Added App. A, § 4.42.1
    13 App. A, § 4.65
    14       Added App. A, § 4.65.1
    15       Added App. A, § 4.68.1
    16, 17       Added App. A, §§ 4.74.1, 4.74.2
    18       Rpld App. A, § 4.75
    19 App. A, § 4.77
    20       Added App. A, § 4.79.1
    21, 21.5       Added App. A, §§ 4.86.1, 4.86.2
    22       Added App. A, § 4.87.1
    23 App. A, §§ 5.01—5.05
    24 App. A, §§ 6.01—6.05
    25 App. A, §§ 7.01—7.05
    26 App. A, §§ 8.01—8.05
    27 App. A, § 19.02
    28 App. A, § 29.01
    29       Added App. A, §§ 41.01—41.06
    30       Added App. A, §§ 42.01—42.05
    31       Added App. A, §§ 43.01—43.07
    32 App. A, § 2.02
    506 11-18-2014 Establishing a temporary moratorium on issuance of use permits or building permits for multi-family dwellings Omitted
    507  1-20-2015 Parking restrictions 1 11-8I
    508  2-17-2015 Approval of rezoning application Omitted
    509 10-20-2015 Zoning regulations 2 App. A, § 2.01
    3       Rpld App. A, §§ 4.01—4.100
          Added App. A, Art. 4
    4       Added App. A, §§ 44.01—44.08
    5, 6       Added App. A, Arts. 45, 46
    7       Added App. A, §§ 47.01—47.08
    8       Added App. A, Art. 48
    510 10-20-2015 Approval of rezoning application Omitted
    511 11-17-2015 Approval of rezoning application Omitted
    512  1-19-2016 Public rights-of-way 1 19-6
    513  5-17-2016 Approval of development agreement Omitted
    514  6- 7-2016 Peddling/soliciting at private residences 1 12-6
    515  9-20-2016 Approval of rezoning application Omitted
    516  4-18-2017 Approval of development agreement Omitted
    517  5- 2-2017 Levying of special taxes within community facilities district Omitted
    518  6-20-2017 Sign regulations 3 App. A, Art. 4
          Rpld App. A, §§ 31.01—31.05
          Added App. A, §§ 31.01—31.05
    519  7-18-2017 Cannabis manufacturing use and regulations 3 App. A, Art. 2, § 2.02
    4 App. A, Art. 4
    5 App. A, Art. 4
    6       Added App. A, Art. 33, § 33.03
    7(Exh. A)       Added App. A, Art. 21.5
    8(Exh. B)       Added Ch. 12F, §§ 12F-1—12F-20
    520  6- 6-2017 Approval of development agreement Omitted
    521  6- 6-2017 Approval of development agreement Omitted
    522 10- 3-2017 Approval of development agreement Omitted
    523  1-16-2018 Approval of a developmental agreement Omitted
    524  1-16-2018 Electric vehicle charging stations II(Exh. A)       Added 6-15.1—6-15.6
    525  2- 6-2018 Approval of a developmental agreement Omitted
    526  4- 3-2018 Approval of a developmental agreement Omitted
    527  4-17-2018 Amendments to a developmental agreement Omitted
    528  6- 5-2018 Approval of a developmental agreement Omitted
    529  8- 7-2018 Replacement of a developmental agreement Omitted
    530 10-16-2018 Approval of a developmental agreement Omitted