§ 7B-4. Imposition of development impact fee.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any development project or any major reconstruction or remodeling, and prior to any change in find use, the applicant for such permit or owner of the property on which the change in land use is to occur shall pay the appropriate development impact fees.


    No permits or extension of permits for the activities referenced in subsection (a) of this section shall be granted unless and until the appropriate development impact fees hereby required shall have been paid to the city.


    Major reconstruction or remodeling projects shall pay the corresponding development impact fee based upon a per square footage calculation for the increase in square footage with a minimum charge equivalent to one hundred square feet.


    A change of land use project shall pay the difference between the current development impact fee for the then existing land use compared to the current development impact fee for the changed or succeeding land use. Provided, that if the fee for the changed land use is less than that of the then existing land use, no refund shall be made.

(Ord. No. 406, § 1; Ord. No. 422, § 2.)