§ 16-1. City datum plane.  

Latest version.
  • The base of levels or elevations referred to in the elevations or levels as marked on any maps or charts designating street grades in the city, is that adopted for the U.S. Geological Survey in the county and is a level plane 60,375 feet below a certain metal plate in the foundation stone of the front wall of the County Court House, in the city, marked on the face "U.S. Geological Survey, California, elevation above sea level 60 B. M. Datum," and all of the figures, lines and marks on such maps and charts written or made thereon indicating the respective height or levels of the streets or gutters shown on such maps or charts, shall and to refer to the above datum of levels, and the respective levels or heights thus marked by lines and figures on such maps and charts shall be and are hereby established as the respective official height, levels and respective grade and gradients of such streets and gutters and portions and parts thereof above such datum plane.

(Ord. No. 39, § 2.)