§ 15A-19. Grease interceptor maintenance requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    FSEs/permittees shall maintain grease interceptors in efficient operating condition by periodic removal of the full content of the interceptor, which includes, but is not limited to, wastewater, accumulated FOG, floating materials, and solids.


    The city may require any FSE with a grease interceptor to submit data and information necessary to establish the required maintenance frequency of the grease interceptor.


    The required maintenance frequency for every FSE with a grease interceptor shall be determined in one of the following methods:


    Grease interceptors shall be fully pumped out and cleaned at a frequency such that the combined FOG and solids accumulation in the grease interceptor does not exceed twenty-five percent of the total designed hydraulic depth of the grease interceptor. This is to ensure that the minimum hydraulic retention time and required available hydraulic volume is maintained to effectively intercept and retain FOG from being discharged to the public sewer.


    Every FSE with a grease interceptor shall fully pump out and clean its grease interceptor not less than once every twelve months.


    Grease interceptors shall be fully pumped out and cleaned quarterly when the frequency described in Section 15A-16(C)(1) has not been established. The maintenance frequency shall be adjusted when sufficient data has been obtained to establish an average frequency based on the requirements described in Section 15A-16(C)(1) and guidelines adopted by the district pursuant to the FOG control program. The city may change the required maintenance frequency at any time to reflect changes in actual operating conditions in accordance with the FOG control program. Based on the actual generation of FOG from the FSE, the required maintenance frequency may increase or decrease.


    The owner, operator or FOG WDP permittee of an FSE may submit a request to the city for a change in the required maintenance frequency at any time. The FSE has the burden of responsibility to demonstrate that the requested change in frequency reflects actual operating conditions based on the average FOG accumulation over time and meets the requirements described in Section 15A-16(C)(1), and that it is in full compliance with the conditions of its FOG WDP and this chapter. Upon determination by the city that the requested revision is justified, the FOG WDP shall be revised accordingly to reflect the change in required maintenance frequency.


    If the grease interceptor, at any time, contains FOG and solids accumulation exceeding the requirements described in Section 15A-16(C)(1), the FSE shall be required to have the grease interceptor serviced immediately such that all FOG and other materials are completely removed from the grease interceptor. If deemed necessary, the city may also increase the required maintenance frequency of the grease interceptor.


    All grease interceptors shall be maintained in a manner consistent with the maintenance frequency approved by the city manager.


    All grease interceptors are required to have grease retention fittings as designed for proper function. Any interceptor that does not have the grease retention fittings shall be repaired and/or retro fitted with appropriate grease retention fittings.


    No FOG that has accumulated in a grease interceptor shall be allowed to pass into any sewer lateral or public sewer.


    Wastewater, accumulated FOG, floating materials, solids, and other materials removed from the grease interceptor shall be disposed of by waste haulers at an approved disposal site in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and/or local laws.


    The city manager may direct city staff to service an FSE's grease interceptor if, in the determination of the city manager, the FSE/permittee has failed to comply with the terms of the FOG WDP or with this chapter. The FSE shall be responsible for any and all expenses of the city in undertaking such work, in addition to being subject to any enforcement action taken by the city as provided for in this chapter.


    Pumping records shall be kept and maintained onsite for a minimum of three years and available to city upon request.

(Ord. No. 493, § 2, 11-5-2013)