§ 14-27. Effect of assessment and notice of lien.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be permissible for any person to pay the amount of such assessment that has been imposed for the destruction and removal of weeds, refuse, or abandoned material, within fifteen days following the date of adoption of the city council resolution confirming the assessment. If the assessment is not paid on or before said date, the total amount thereof shall be entered on the next succeeding fiscal year's secured tax roll of Colusa County for that property, and the assessment shall thereupon become a lien against the property, and the amount of the assessment shall be collected at the time and in the manner of ordinary municipal taxes. The lien of the assessment shall have the priority of the taxes with which is it collected. If delinquent, the amount is subject to the same penalties and procedures of foreclosure and sale provided for ordinary municipal taxes.


    If the property is owned by a public agency of the local, state or federal government, the assessment shall not be entered on the county tax roll, but rather collected in the same manner as other unsecured obligations due and owing to the city.


    Further, if the assessment is not paid within fifteen days following the date of adoption of the city council resolution confirming it, the fire chief may prepare and cause to be recorded in the office of the county recorder a notice of lien, which shall be in form approved by the city attorney, and from the time of recording the notice of lien, the amount of the assessment shall be and constitute a lien upon the property having the force and effect of a judgment lien until released and discharged, or otherwise extinguished in the manner provided by law. When the assessment is paid, the fire chief shall promptly deliver to the person or persons entitled thereto a release of lien, which shall be in form approved by the city attorney, which may be recorded by such person or persons to extinguish the lien on the property. The fire chief shall not record a notice of lien against property owned by a public agency of the local, state or federal government.

(Ord. No. 426, § 1.)